Conference Registration
Entry Sponsorship
Be front and center at the annual EMSAAC conference attended by many EMS professionals. Showcase your products and/or services to LEMSA Directors, Medical Directors and staff; hospital representatives; and ambulance and fire department managers and personnel across the State. You will have dedicated exhibit viewing time to network and show your latest and greatest product or services. Act now to get your company name on the conference brochure.
- Exhibit booth space
- Full Conference Registration and program materials for 1 person*
- Company name on website
- Opportunity to add branded gift item to conference bag
- Booths include a 6-foot table, chairs and electrical
- Conference attendee contact list (Excel spreadsheet shortly following the event)
*NOTE: Up to 2 additional representative(s) may be added below at $375 per person to cover food and beverages (2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, President’s Reception and breaks). After this, additional representatives must pay full conference registration fee.
Booth assignments will be made by EMSAAC based on the following criteria: Sponsorship level and order in which applications (including payments) are received.
Additional information will be provided by the Sponsor Coordinator once you sign up.
Pricing does not include Wi-Fi and special requests.
Have you booked your hotel room?
Group rate expires April 23, 2025
To reserve a room call
Coronado Reservations 800-235-6397
Hotel Direct 619-424-4000