2024 Presentations
Day 1
State of the State
Elizabeth Basnett, Director
California EMS Authority
Purposeful Inclusion: How EMS System Design Can Help
Close the Health Equity Gap
Doug Wolfberg, Attorney
Language Barriers in EMS
Dustin Ballard, MD
EMS Medical Director, Marin County EMS Agency
Autistic Patients and the First Responder
Paula Lafarge, RN, Los Angeles County
Fire Department
Changes, Challenges and Compliance in
EMS Billing & Reimbursement
Donna Hankins, Chair, CAA Payor Committee
Islands of Research
Karl Sporer, MD, Alameda EMS Agency
Nichole Bosson, MD, LA EMS Agency
Blood on the Streets: The Seattle Whole Blood
Catherine R. Counts, PhD, MHA
University of Washington and Seattle Fire
EMS Response to Persons Experiencing Homelessness (PEH): Strategies for Squalor and Tactics
for Tent Medicine
Tiffany Abramson, MD, Long Beach Fire Department
Stephen G. Sanko, MD, Los Angeles General Medical Center
Emerging Role of Artificial Intelligence in EMS
Jake Toy, MD
EMS Fellow, LA County EMS Agency
Are We Family “Ohana”? Case Studies and Lessons
Learned on EMS-Law Enforcement Relationships
Doug Wolfberg, Attorney
Day 2
The EMS Profession - Challenges of Recruitment and
Ashish R. Panchal, MD, PhD, NREMT
Advances in 911 Response to Behavior Health and Substance Abuse Emergencies
Erick H. Cheung, MD
UCLA Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital
Preparing For & Staging Special Events
Michael Cabano,
Others from Bay Area
Burn MCI: Are We Ready “Makaukau”?
Jill Sproul, MS, RN, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Hospital Evacuation Experience
Mara C. Bryant, MBA, White Memorial Hospital
Representative, Los Angeles City Fire Department
Isabel Sanchez, Los Angeles County EMS Agency
2023 Speaker Presentations
Creating Pediatric Systems of Care: NPRP & EMSC Regulations
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO, FAAP, FAEMS, FACEP
Promoting Equity Through Research
Shira A. Schlesinger, MD, MPH, FACEP, FAEMS
A Neuropharmacological Model of Buprenorphine Initiation After Opioid Overdose: Current Observations From CA Bridge And Directions For Research
Andrew Herring MD
Operational Findings: Intentional Mass Causality Incidents
Dr Kevin Mackey
Chief/Dr Eric Saylors
Dealing with Reduces Horsepower: Geriatrics in EMS
Christopher B. Colwell, MD
The EMS Escape Fire: Finding Our Way Out of This.
David Fifer
Beyond Response Times: Structuring Systems for the Future
Doug Wolfberg, Esq.
Engineering the Future: EMS Agenda 2050
Mike Taigman
Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD
Constructing a New APOT Paradigm
Doug Wolfberg, Esq.